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Sunday, March 28, 2010

This month in pictures

As the month of March draws to a close, I thought I'd share a few pictures that were taken.

Bathtime for the big kids...taken today.

This sneaky girl got into my pantry and stole a box of cake flour. She probably thought it was going to be soooooo tasty since the box had a picture of a chocolate cake. How disappointing it must have been for her.

This kid LOVES to take pictures - especially of himself.

The big kids played dress up with Nate. Poor Nate.

My baby is now four months old.

Oh and since my camera and computer are finally on speaking terms, here's the pics of the clutter I told you all about in my last post. Let me preface these horrific pictures with this: steps have been made to improve the spaces shown. While I have not touched about half of it, the half that has been touched has been decluttered to the best of my 3-kids-under-five ability. Thank you very much.

Microwave area

Dining room table

Kitchen sink

Kitchen table

The post-its I told you about from a year ago; faithfully reminding me to get on the ball!!!

front entry way

obviously the couch

front room - it's set up for Nate's nebulizer treatments...that he hasn't had in about a week now. Jeez, I need to clean this up!

entertainment area - why there's a ton of stuff on top, I have no idea???

this is the dining room but since ain't no way I'm letting the family eat on top of carpet, it has become the toy room. ugh.

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