So the kids and I sit down to have a packed lunch and when Jeremiah finished he asks to go play with the kids. So off he went. I mean, that's what we were there for, right?!?
Beka stayed with me as I sat with mommy friends and talked.
Raquel's son comes up to me and tells me Jeremiah is hurt. I scan the park for him and sure enough, here he comes walking towards me; one of his shoulders looks a little saggy and he's crying. I meet him, leaving Beka with my dear friends, Raquel and Tara (thank you girls for all you did and offered) and carry him back to the picnic tables. As I look over his body I notice a red mark on his shoulder. I keep scanning his body and there it is:
his collar bone looks a little out of place. Immediately I want to cry for him but I hold it together, scoop him up and take the kids to urgent care; which is just down the road - seriously like a 5 minute drive.
Jeremiah did such a good job waiting in the lobby. He would cry every so often and wanted me to hold him. Beka did a good job waiting too! I put her in her stroller and she waited as patiently as a one year old can.
They took us to the back and did a couple of x-rays on his collar bone. And sure enough, a fractured clavicle. It's a greenstick break (imagine stripping a healthy, small branch off a tree, then trying to snap it in doesn't snap but rather twists and bends - well that's similar to what happened to his collar bone). So the dr. gave us a prescription to get a figure 8 brace to help it heal correctly.
I take the kids home and we wake up dad (who is getting in his beauty sleep since he's on the graveyard shift at work). Jeremiah springs the news: "Dad, I went to the park and fell off a ladder and broke my bone." The drowsy, I'm-so-sleep-deprived-because-you-only-let-me-sleep-3-hours look on his face is classic once he hears the unbelievable news.
Needless to say, he couldn't go back to sleep after that. But the kids took a nap. That was my cue to go get that prescription filled.
After 4 stores, I finally find one that had the brace AND took my insurance, which completely covered the cost of the brace. But I need to have Jeremiah there to be fitted. So I go home, get the family and off we go.
Afterwards, we let Jeremiah pick dinner. He wanted breakfast, pancakes and eggs to be specific (a boy after my own heart - breakfast for dinner!). So off we went to Denny's.
Here's more pics of Jeremiah and his first broken bone, which costs us a total of $15 (who needs Aflac!?! he he)
See, he's feeling great, with a little help from Tylenol.
In this picture I told him to look like it hurts. I think he gave me "pathetic" instead. But hey, I'll take what I can get.
You can see the red mark where he landed on his shoulder and the bump where his clavicle broke.
your insurance rocks what a blessing!!!
That is a Calvin Klein ad face, neither pathetic nor sad. :) I'm so glad he was OK. What a fright. $15 huh? Man. Who decided to put a water park and slick metal climbing toys in the same vicinity? Not smart.
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