Jeremiah's been watching the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything and is really into pirates. He likes to play with his cutlass (aka my butter knife, actually all of my butter knives). So this morning he took his cutlass with us to the grocery store. A fellow shopper stopped me and proceeded to tell me that if my boy fell he could get hurt. Naturally assuming she was kidding I said, "I know. It's really sharp, huh." Well from that point on I could tell she didn't like me one bit. She got on to me saying how if the police saw him with that "dangerous weapon" (oh yes, I quoted her there!) that I would be arrested and CPS would take my children from me. I just kept saying, "you're kidding, right?". And she would answer me with more astounding "facts" about how sharp and dangerous this knife he was carrying was. CRAZY!
By this time my flesh was ready for its turn but God kept me in line. When she was done I told her thank you (without any sarcasm..can you believe it!) and she came back with a sarcastic you're welcome.
The lady walked away. Now I stood at a crossroad. Jeremiah saw the whole thing so I bent down and told him that lady didn't want him to have his cutlass and that God wants us to live at peace with people as much as possible. So I told him I was going to hold his cutlass until we got outside where he could have it back. Amazingly, he said ok.
Lady, if you're reading this please note: I did NOT take away the butter knife because I was afraid the cops were coming to arrest me and take my kids away, give me a break you crazy old coot! I did it to teach my son a lesson in loving people...even the crazy, freak pots like you!
Looking back on the whole ordeal we learned another lesson: don't take the butter knife to the store. It's just easier to leave it at home where he can run all around the house with it than to bring it to the store.
Thanks for being real- I feel like I am not being a "christian" when I have those days of dealing with people who judge me and I hold my tongue, but still think crazy, freaky, annoying people! T
Freak pot...I love that! I would have told the lady, "Oh, that's nothing, he plays with the chainsaw at home!"
Dontcha just love some people!
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