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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bid number 6

Directly across the street from this house

is another house that is exactly the same. Well except it needs to be pained on the inside, the carpet needs to be replaced, as well as most of the blinds, the carpet in the dining room must be ripped out and replaced with tile (seriously, why do people have carpet where they eat?), and the yahoos that lost the house broke up all the concrete on the small backyard patio. So that will need to be replaced too. Oh, not to mention there's nothin' but dirt in the back yard...well along with all those pieces of concrete.

It's not a short sale so within a couple of weeks we should know if our bid was high enough to 'win' (like it's ebay or somethin').

What happened to this house? The silly seller's realtor came back with a counter offer. She hasn't even taken our bid to the bank yet. Last thing she told our realtor was that there weren't any offers but now all of a sudden there are other offers. Why is it that my realtor is the only one with integrity? Love my girl...soooo sick of all the others!
Anyways, we're stickin to our guns. We'll see if that money-hungry, er silly realtor likes them apples.

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