Morning Routine

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Here comes another trial

Trials. Part of me wishes I didn't have to go through them. But a bigger part of me knows better. Trials are meant to do so much: to build character, to keep us close and relying on God, to show other people just how big my God is...this list goes on.

So here's the scoop:

My husband's truck needs $1,500 worth of repairs. Keep in mind he only paid $6,000 for it and it is now 11 years old. It seems hardly worth the money. Do we fix it? (To fix it we'd have to use our vacation money which, as you can imagine, we do NOT want to do). Do we buy a newer one? Keep in mind that we have had 3 years without any car payments and let me tell you, it's been really nice. Or do we do something else? I don't know what that would be but I do know better than to put God in a box.

So what to do? Well, we prayed. And we're not moving until God gives us part A of His plan. It's that simple. Afterall, "because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail", Lamenations 3:22.

This morning I read in 1 Samuel 11 about a trial that came upon some Israelites and God used it and turned it into a major triumph for His people. That trial was exactly what was needed for Israel to see Saul as their king. And it was what was needed for Saul to step up and act like a king. That trial needed to come and it came at the perfect time!

Well maybe, just perhaps, this trial is something that my family needs to go through. I don't know why yet...I may never know why. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that God is totally in control of this situation, we are totally relying on God to meet our needs, and our hearts are fully set on Him. I'll put myself out there and say that God will come through for us. Keep in mind that I don't know what that is going to look like when this trial is over. But when He does, you can rejoice with us!

To be continued...

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Sorry about your car, I know that God is going to meet your need and He will honor you for trusting Him!