We literally had to run through since the lady living there was on her way to work. Needless to say, a few of my pics are blurry since I didn't have time to wait for the camera to find the correct focus.
Forgive me: my pics are all out of order and make no sense so it may help to re-read when you've seen all the photos. Sorry. Also, I totally forgot to take a pic of the living room. Oops. Did I mention I was rushed??? So here we go on the ghetto-virtual tour:
a view from the street. The lady of the house was leaving to go to work.
there are a few decorative rocks in the front yard lining the walkway to the front door.
the walk-in master closet
master bath
master bedroom (did you know that this paint almost matches my bathroom paint job that I just did. what the heck was I thinking???? I'm going to need some help because I obviously have crappy ideas!!!
2nd bedroom (between the master bedroom and 1st bedroom)
1st bedroom (at the end of the main hallway)
the cabinets above the washer and dryer. the light was out and it was really dark in there. I just wanted to get an idea...
laundry room that leads out to the garage
the linen closet from the main hallway
main bathroom, the shower is left of the frame
the hallway, I was standing between the living room and the dining room/kitchen area. the first door on the left is the bathroom, the door on the right is the linen closet. 2nd door on the left is the laundry room, the room at the end of the hallway is the first bedroom. then hallway turns right to another hallway that leads to the 2nd bedroom and master bedroom
the kitchen
then I did an about face and here's the dining room
this is the south side of the house- a view from the backyard
the back patio
master bedroom window from the backyard
north side of the house from the backyard
backyard pics
front right of the house
front left of the house
how exciting praying with ya sister!!!
Its a great house! I will be praying!
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