Morning Routine

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Day One...check

I shined my sink.

I didn't do it until 2pm but I did it none the less.

Prep for day 2:

Ugh. I really don't like this one. Seriously, I can and know that I will get my household going without shoes on. But I know for me, I cannot get my day going without a bra on. You think the fly lady would mind if I substituted "bra" for "shoes"?

Hey, I'm making it work for me.

If I burn out again and restart the fly lady's routine I promise I'll change my ways and lace up my shoes next time. But this time, I'm just going to make sure I get dressed up to my shoes.

And as far as hair and really think I have to do it when I don't do every day anyways. Heck, today I went to Target after the gym with my hair in disarray, no make-up and a t-shirt that had so much visible sweat in it I'm pretty sure I could've wrung it out and made the ground wet. Kinda gross but I had a great workout!!!

Well, were calling day 2, "Dani's modified day 2".

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