Thanks Lynette! I hope you find out all the info you ever wanted to know about me from these questions. :-)
1. What is the name of your school and why??
What kind of a question is this? You want me to come up with a fictional school and name it? Ok, how about School of Rock. I love that movie!
2. How is your weather today?
It was nice. But I wish my air conditioner would quit turning on! My home just has a hard time cooling off. Sometimes it's hotter inside than outside. Ahhh.
3. What steals your joy?
Clutter... and sleepless nights. Thankfully, I haven't had too many nights like that in a looong time. But I see them coming back in my future.
4. Name five blessings you received this week.
1) I found out I am pregnant (please refer back to question number 3). And, please, no silly questions asking me how far along I am. Just look to the side bar at the right!
2) My insurance pays 100% of my lab work!
3) I have re-noticed that I have the best husband. He's perfect for me!
4) My patio finally looks nice. I hung 6 plants and planted a few crawling fig vines so maybe in a year or two I'll have green everywhere on my patio! I really like hanging out there when the weather is today (refer to question #2).
5) I have 3, yes 3 best friends and many, yes many really good ones. I don't think many people can honestly say that.
5. Where's the question for #5? You want me to make one up??? Ok, based on Lynette's answers I think it should read, "What is your favorite Bible verse"?
Habakkuk 3:17-18 "Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail, and the fields produce no food, though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no cattle in the stalls, YET I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation."
1 Samuel 17:45a "Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts..."
6. Who in the Bible do you think that you are most like??
Hmm, that's a tough one. I think I'd need more time to come up with a good answer. So for now let's just say Jael. (I actually named one of my cacti that.) A prize awaits the first person to leave a comment telling me who this Biblical woman was. Small print: Offer expires 9-18-07.
7. The passage of scripture you last read?
Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd [to feed, guide and shield me]; I shall not lack." -Amplified Bible This bible is opened to this passage in my bathroom...I know: too much information.
8. Have you ever praised God for something weird?
How about my cold that I'm having a hard time kicking. The Bible says to praise Him for everything, right?
9. If you were making a greeting card for God what would it say?
Thanks for not giving up on me, even when I blow it...daily!
10. What is the best miracle God has performed in your life or your best answer to prayer?
When my mom was alive she was having a lot of medical problems. For about a week she just wasn't all there mentally. Someone had to be home with her to make sure she wasn't trying to cook for fear of setting the house ablaze. It got to the point that someone suggested we hire a in-home nurse. Well, one night I couldn't take it anymore. I cried out to God and asked Him to heal her. It was an anointed prayer! (You had to be there!) The next day my mom was completely healed as far as her degrading mental state went. It was like her mind returned to her and she never went back to that loopy state again! Praise God!!!
11. What is the most fun thing you have done lately?
Zerberted my son. Then he zerberted me back. Now that was fun!
12. How did you choose your screen name?
Hello, it's only my name! I know, not very creative. Hey, in my defense, I had to come up with a screen name really fast for this computer class I took a few years ago (I had to take the class to get my teaching credential).
So anyways, thanks for tagging me, Lynette.